Nous sommes un partenaire qui vous soutient pleinement dans toutes les phases du cycle de vie de votre solution : de la consultation et la planification à la mise en œuvre et aux services d'exploitation et de maintenance, en passant par la conception et l'ingénierie. Nous élaborons une stratégie intégrée pour vos plateformes TIC et améliorons continuellement leurs performances. La complexité technologique et opérationnelle des réseaux de télécommunications ne cessant de croître, nous nous concentrons principalement sur des services complets et à plus forte valeur ajoutée. Nous avons une longue expérience de la gestion de projets à grande échelle, de l'exploitation et de la maintenance de réseaux de télécommunications.
Ce que nous faisons
Nous sommes là pour vous depuis plus de 23 ans. Dans la construction, la modernisation et la maintenance des réseaux de télécommunications et dans le domaine des services TIC, nous sommes l'un des leaders en Europe centrale. Nous sommes présents en République tchèque, en Slovaquie, en Suisse, en Allemagne, aux Pays-Bas et en Autriche. Nous y sommes parvenus grâce à la qualité et à la précision de nos réalisations, aux compétences exceptionnelles et au travail acharné de notre personnel. Nos solutions comprennent la construction, l’entretien et la maintenance. Nous pouvons prendre en charge le travail de A à Z.
Qui nous sommes

Integrated Management System Policy

It is the declared goal of Suntel s.r.o., and of Suntel Group as a whole to provide the client with services duly and timely rendered, giving no cause for complaints, in accordance with the project planning documents, such that the client may in turn provide its own services to its users / customers, based on our services, whereas we shall comply with all requirements as specified and observe a responsible approach toward sustainable business practices and CSR. 

For this reason, top management has drawn up this policy, which is rooted in the firm’s business objectives and which will lead to the company’s further growth and prosperity through the consistent delivery of quality supplies and services to the client while complying with all requirements as specified and observing a responsible approach toward sustainable business practices and CSR.

  1. The policy is aimed at satisfying the expectations of all stakeholders:
    • Clients → expect reliable, top-quality product delivery;
    • Staff → expects the creation of a safe and healthy work environment, conducive to mutual collaboration, and attractive pay and social benefits;
    • Owners → expect conditions which warrant the success of the company, a reasonable profit, and a return on their investment;
    • Suppliers → expect stable business opportunities and the cultivation of mutually beneficial customer-supplier relationships on equal terms;
    • Public and government authorities → expect compliance with all laws, regulations, and public policy recommendations;
    • Neighbors → expect a minimum of adverse impact from the company’s operations.
  2. The policy manifests itself in the following 10 long-term commitments:
    • Quality: Gearing all activities toward a high level of customer satisfaction, including strict observance of quality standards and delivery deadlines;
    • Competence: Maintaining and continuously developing the overall professional profile of our people and our company;
    • Prerequisites: Managing the vital resources needed to attain the commercial objectives of the company;
    • Conformity: Ensuring compliance with all requirements related to the company’s processes and products, including legal obligations and other mandatory duties;
    • Transparency: Giving all stakeholders access to all information on the environmental aspects, impact, and overall profile of the company;
    • Communication: Promoting the exchange of information and open dialogue with all stakeholders; supporting the participation and engagement of employees in work safety and health issues, preventing pollution, compliance, and proposals for improvements;
    • Sustainability: Fulfilling the binding emission limits and working towards their minimization; reducing the consumption of energy and input materials; making sure that handling, storing, processing and package disposal are done in an environmentally friendly manner; giving preference to green materials, products, and services;
    • Work safety: Emphasizing proper maintenance and care for machinery and equipment and risk minimization; using only materials and products which are safe for their intended use; ensuring the protection of employees’ health, the prevention of accidents, and the protection of outside entities within the greater context in which the company pursues its activities;
    • Information security: Ensuring the accessibility, integrity, and confidentiality of all information created or processed within individual processes;
    • Prevention and on-going improvement: Continuously striving for perfection in line with the latest technical progress, best experience and practices, in all aspects of the company’s activities. 

The company’s top management is committed to the continuous and sustained improvement of the company’s integrated management system, its processes and products, in accordance with the requirements set out in the standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, and ISO/IEC 27001.

Our certificates

Management System


Management System


Occupational Health and
Safety Management System


Information Security
Management System
