We are a partner that fully supports you in all phases of your solution lifecycle: from consultation and planning, through design and engineering, to implementation, operation, and maintenance services. We create an integrated strategy for your ICT platforms and continuously improve their performance. As the technological and operational complexity of telecommunications networks continues to increase, we focus primarily on higher value-added and comprehensive services. We have long-term experience in managing large-scale projects and operations, and in the maintenance of telecommunication networks.
What we do
We have been at your service for more than 23 years. We are a Central European leader in the construction, modernisation, and maintenance of telecommunication networks and in ICT services. We operate in the Czech and Slovak Republics, Switzerland, Germany, the Netherlands, and Austria. We achieved our position thanks to the quality and precision of our implementations, exceptional skills, and the hard work of our people. Our solutions include construction, maintenance, and service. We take care of the job – from A to Z.
Who we are

Important milestones


The formation of Suntel s.r.o. by merging the companies Backbone, Suntel Czech, and Arbor.


Multinational representation is growing
We are part of a strong telecommunications group operating
in Central and Western Europe with more than 620 employees.


Building satellite communications
We are building a network of ground communication stations for a major global satellite operator.


Suntel Academy Center
Establishment of the Suntel Group Academy training centre in Nupaki.
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5G construction
We are busy building 5G networks in Europe and bringing new communication options.

Slovakia, Teledat
Acquisition of Teledat Communication Systems.


Switzerland, Enkom
Acquisition of the Swiss company Enkom AG, a key player in the field of telecommunication services with more than 30 years of experience.
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Czech Republic, ARBOR
Acquisition of Arbor, a leading supplier to Vodafone and CETIN.

Slovakia, FibreNet
Acquisition of FibreNet – a company operating nearly 700 km of fibre optic routes and several metropolitan area networks.

New Prague branch
Opening of a new administrative and logistics centre in Prague Nupaky.


Czech Republic, Backbone
Acquisition of Backbone – a company operating mainly in the Czech Republic and Germany.
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Suntel Slovakia & Ericsson
Suntel Slovakia has been successful in a tender with Ericsson for SWAP mobile networks.
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Switzerland, Frutiger AG
Acquisition of the telecommunications division of Frutiger AG.

DRFG input
The investment group DRFG has entered our company – a new, significant stage for the Suntel Group.


New headquarters
New, modern administrative and logistics centre in Zlín.
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Providing preventive and corrective maintenance of base stations for Strabag Germany in the Vodafone Germany network.
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New headquarters in Switzerland
Opening of a new logistics centre in Switzerland.
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Suntel Germany
Founding of Suntel Germany.

Czech Republic, Remadat
Acquisition of Remadat s.r.o.


Switzerland, Austria
Entry into the Swiss and Austrian markets. Establishment of Suntel Switzerland.


Start of cooperation with Huawei, modernisation
of the T-Mobile network.


Suntel Slovakia
Establishment of Suntel Slovakia with its headquarters
in Košice.


Start of cooperation with Vodafone, the largest operator in the Czech Republic.


Start of cooperation with Ericsson.


Establishment of the company
Establishment of a telecommunications company based in Zlín.